Amazon Kurban ritüeli - Küçük çocukları canlı canlı gömüyorlar - Belgesel
Definition of Savage
Burying children alive.
You might not believe how much of this sort of behavior persists around the World.
Definition of Savage
Burying children alive.
You might not believe how much of this sort of behavior persists around the World.
A rare documentary insight into how tribal superstition, ritual and ignorance evolved into worship.
An elder of a primitive Stone-Age Amazon tribe performs a sacrificial ritual rooted in tradition. A child is unwanted and is buried alive.
"He must die! For the good of the tribe!"
Could this type of superstition help explain the origin the Judeo-Christian crucifixion/scapegoating myth?
Is this ritual, in part, the basis of modern religions?
Here is a story from the UK Telegraph:
Babies born into some Indian tribes in the Amazon are being buried alive, a practice that is being covered up by the Brazilian authorities out of respect for tribal culture.
The tradition is based on beliefs that babies with any sort of physical defect have no souls and that others, such as twins or triplets, are also "cursed".
Infanticide has claimed the lives of dozens of babies each year, say campaigners fighting to end the practice.
Babies who are girls, who have some disability or who have unmarried mothers are all in danger of an early death in a shallow grave in the rainforest. Others are suffocated with leaves, poisoned or simply abandoned in the jungle.
According to Dr Marcos Pelegrini, a doctor working in the Yanomami Tribe Health Care District, 98 children were killed by their mothers in 2004 alone.
Campaigners say that the true figure is obscured by officials who often record cases of infanticide as simple malnutrition. At the same time, family anguish over infanticide has led to many adult tribal members committing suicide.
The video was produced by an organization called Global Voices...
"Global Voices is a non-profit global citizens' media project founded at Harvard Law School's Berkman Center for Internet and Society"
Voice of the Survivor:
This film is directed by a son of a JESUIT missionary and actors ARE used, according to ABC news.
An ABC News report today (Feb. 8, 2009) states that the Christian missionary group Youth With A Mission is accused of deliberately exaggerating the extent of the infanticide problem to force the Brazilian government to allow the group to convert the natives to Christianity.
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